

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Atlas Moutains

The Atlas Mountains are situated in North Africa, In the Morocco.These ranges of mountains are considered the bigest and the highest in North Africa. People who live in these mountains are called Imazighen( Berbers) The native of Morocco.There are 4 main ranges  of mountains:
 The Rif mountains the highest pick is called Tidghine 2200 m high.These mountains are situated in the north of teh country along the mideteranean sea.
  Middle atlas: Noth center of Morocco towards the north east.: Highest pick called mountain Bounasses over 3200 m high.
   High atlas mountains are situated from MID WEST from Atlatic ocean crossing Morocco toward Algeria: the hihest pick is Toubkal 4165 m high.There are about 10 pick which culminate over 4000 m high in High Atlas Mountains
   Small Atlas: in the south west of Morocco.This moountais are considered as a fence against the very hot wind coming from moroccan sahara .the highest pick is sroua 2100 m high.
 These mounatisn are covered with a diversity of  flora and fona.  Argan trees, Thuya trees. thyme ,vendar , ,,..... fona: macacs samll monkeys, wild cats,  wolves, foxes....


  1. nice. beautiful country with bad governors.

  2. you re right bro.But still it s our country for Imazighn though some arabs are sick because of amazighoufobia..
